Quito For A Day

Last Friday Maria Pozo and I took Group Four, lovingly called the “Fours”, to Quito. (Maria was the School Administrator last year). The purpose of the trip was to visit the Astronomy Museum, located in the Alameda Park in downtown Quito. If the skies were clear we also would stay for a first hand look at the planets and stars through the observatory telescope.

The plan was to meet the Fours in front of the monument in Salasaka Central, no later than 6:25, as we wanted to catch the 6:30 bus to Ambato where we would board the 7AM bus to Quito. On Thursday each of the Fours were advised that we were not going to wait. Two of the Fours showed at 6:32 and the bus arrived at 6:34, and the three of us were off to Ambato where we were to meet Maria.

I have introduced a code of conduct at the school and we call it the “Six columns of Character”. Column number three is Responsibility. I really felt bad about leaving the other two and at this point I do not know if they showed at all. I will find out on Monday.
We arrived in Quito at !0 AM and after a 45 minute ride on the trolley-bus, we were at the Museum.


After the museum, we had a filling fast food lunch and then killed some time at the park…. And then we were off to the planetarium located at the Military Institute. We joined another class of students from somewhere near Quito, for the presentation in an auditorium where you sat back in reclining seats and watched the heavens come to life. If you would like to read more about this museum, Click Here.

While waiting for the confirmation of the evening show we all had a wonderful time at the inter-city park. Unfortunately the heavens clouded over and the live show was cancelled.

At 6•30 PM we had the wonderful experience of what thousands experience every evening at rush-hour…. A ride to the bus terminal via the trolley-bus. I only wish I had a video of that wild ride. The last stop of the trolley-is inside the bus terminal.

We arrived at the bus ticket counter at 7:45 and found a bus waiting to depart at 7:50. Arriving in Salasaka around 11, I found transportation waiting and by 11:30, everyone was home and I was in my bed at Pachamama. It was a great day for me and I hope, for two of the Fours.

I will look forward to read their report on their trip to Quito, which will be due on Wednesday..
