Sponsor a Teacher at Katitawa


One of our biggest concerns here at Katitawa is coming up with the money to pay the three paid people that provide the essential services that cannot be done by volunteers:

Rufino: School Director and teacher;
Virginia: Cook at the school;
Angel: Projects Manager.

Lets start with just Rufino. We would like to give him a raise. He has worked at the school since 2009 and has only received one raise.  As of August 1st he will receive another.. Now I need to make sure we have the money....And here is where we need your help.

Here is how you can help.  Become a Rufino sponsor by agreeing to a monthly donation of  as little as $10.  It is easy....Just push the Subscribe Button below.  We all thank you.  


Blog by: Andi Keller, Photos by: Andi Keller, Marge Fabro & Laura Pisani-Ferry.
