Nobody Knew Just How Special This Event Was...

On the 31st of January, the word got out that it was Rufino's birthday. There was still time to get to town and back before lunch, so I set off to buy a cake. There are three small bakeries in Salasaka and on the third stop I found one. By the time I returned, lunch was almost over and before anyone could leave I handed the cake to someone, who took it over and put it in front of Rufino.

Everyone sang the birthday songs, wished him a happy day and enjoyed the cake. Rufino was moved by the attention and made the following statement..."This is the first time in my life that someone gave me a cake for my birthday"....Rufino is 51.

Rufino was one of the first volunteers teachers at Katitawa when it was first started in 1997. In 2008 we brought him back as a paid teacher. He is a good friend and a wonderful teacher.
May the cakes keep coming.
