Lachlan's Farm Begins In Ernest

Two of our new volunteers, who had read about Lochlan's farm, showed up with some chickens and ducks. Now you can't have ducks without a pond so we are now finishing up Lochland's Pond.

First we had to leval the area.
Next, build a wall.

Create the form.
Add water and two ducks...Presto, a pond with ducks.

In our our quest to find plastic the right size, we setteled for a used piece that was guarenteed to be free of holes. When we filled the pond, the next day it was empty. Haste does make waste.

We have now replaced the old and now it is working great. (Pictures soon.)


  1. It makes me so happy to see this !!!And that people came with some ducks.beautiful
    Greta ( Lachlan's cousin)


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